What We Did This Week

March 31st 2025

 Spring has Sprung!
Spanish Word of the Day: Pájaro (Bird)

Today, our friends learned all about birds!

What is a bird?
A bird is an animal that:
• Has feathers
• Has wings
• Has a beak
• Is warm-blooded
• Breathes with lungs
• Lays and takes care of egg

March 26th 2025

In addition to reading stories to your children, it’s also important to encourage them to practice their own storytelling skills. Today, we had a blast with our Mystery Jar activity! We filled a jar with different pictures and invited our friends to take turns selecting one. Each child then created their own story based on the picture they picked. It was amazing to see their creativity come to life as they shared their imaginative tales with the class! Encouraging your child to tell their own stories helps build language skills, boosts creativity, and fosters self-expression. Ask your star about the story they shared today!

march 27th 2025

Today we took recycle cardboard and created a rocketship to work on our movable alphabet where we worked on writing our name in a straight line using 2x2 squares in uppercase and lowercase letters..